What is the best way to make a wedding truly unique? Surely, one of the possibilities is to realize it according to a precise palette. In the case of Sabine and Riccardo, the theme they chose was the colour pink: everything in the beautiful Villa Pizzo, from lights to decorations, from tablecloths to the cake, they all were coloured pink, something that gave their special day a truly princely aura. The reason why the choice of this palette proved to be so winning, are the colors of the villa itself: bought by the elegant and eccentric Madame Musard, its walls were repainted pink by her will, in an attempt to celebrate femininity and elegance; this made it the perfect place for Sabine’s pink dream. The idea of honoring the Madame arose from this fascinating story, and it was possible by setting up on the table of confetti some panels that told her story and showed her portrait, so that guests could get to know a figure so interesting and important for her historical importance. At the Villa, an imperial horseshoe table, covered with large, purposely selected tablecloths, welcomed the guests: upon them, candles (strictly pink) illuminated the elegant dinner in a romantic yet chic way, made even more special by the performance of Lithuanian violinist Saule Kilaite: with her violin she enchanted the bride and groom and their guests, making Sabine and Riccardo’s wedding truly special and unforgettable.  
Location : Villa Pizzo Wedding Photographer : Gabriele Basilico From : Tedesca – italosvizzera

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